The Un/Necessary Image

Muntadas, Antonio; Ivekovic, Sanja; Williams, Reese; Brumfield, John; Haacke, Hans; Craven, David; Rothenberg, Erika; Stiles, Kristine; Levine, Les; Graham, Dan; Lord, Chip; Kriesche, Richard; Burgin, Victor; Rabascall, Joan; Fischer, Hal; Parra, Catalina; Malloy, Judy; Barry, Judith and General Idea. The Un/Necessary Image. New York, NY: Tanam Press, 1982.

On-site consultation
Types: Monographs
All Contributors: D'Agostino, Peter (Editor); D'Agostino, Peter (Prefacer); Muntadas, Antonio (Editor); Muntadas, Antonio (Author); Ivekovic, Sanja (Author); Williams, Reese (Author); Brumfield, John (Author); Haacke, Hans (Author); Craven, David (Author); Rothenberg, Erika (Author); Stiles, Kristine (Author); Levine, Les (Author); Graham, Dan (Author); Lord, Chip (Author); Kriesche, Richard (Author); Burgin, Victor (Author); Rabascall, Joan (Author); Fischer, Hal (Author); Parra, Catalina (Author); Malloy, Judy (Author); Barry, Judith (Author); General Idea
Collation: 90 p. : 90 ill. ; 28 x 22 cm
ISBN: 0934378304
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: New York, NY: Tanam Press
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 23 Jan 1997
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2012 17:59
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