Blake Fitzpatrick : Uranium LandscapesTools Fitzpatrick, Blake. Blake Fitzpatrick : Uranium Landscapes. Peterborough, Ont.: Art Gallery of Peterborough, 1999.
Abstract (English)An artist’s book to accompany Fitzpatrick’s exhibition of “landscape” photographs documenting the histories of radioactively contaminated sites in Port Hope, Ontario. It contains a text by the artist, artist’s pages and three brief interviews with people from the community. Fitzpatrick’s essay provides an historical overview of radium and uranium refining in Port Hope. The following topics are discussed: Canada’s role in the creation of the atomic bomb, and the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; ethical issues concerning the removal and storage of Port Hope’s radioactive waste; and the difficulty of trying to photograph what cannot be seen. Biographical notes. 6 bibl. ref.
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