The Multiple and Mutable SubjectTools Becker, Barbara; LeValley, Janet; Maskegon-Iskwew, Ahasiw; Poster, Mark; Stone, Allucquére Rosanne; Tuer, Dot; Wilding, Faith. The Multiple and Mutable Subject. St. Norbert, Man.: St. Norbert Arts Centre, 2001.
Abstract (English)Symposium proceedings consider the implications and limitations of subject constitution, particularly on the Internet. A. Stone (whose performance is excerpted on the CD) and A. Maskegon-Iskwew focus on identity, the former with regard to performativity and the latter while contrasting cultures of animism and global colonialism.. M. Poster and J. LeValley elucidate the effects of new technologies on authorship and self-growth, respectively. Several authors insist on a materialist understanding of virtual reality. Biographical notes. 75 bibl. ref.
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