Stan Denniston : StillTools Sourkes, Cheryl; Denniston, Stan. Stan Denniston : Still. Montréal, Qc: CV Ciel Variable, 2004.
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Abstract (English)" Using long, continuous video takes and the static camera position of the still photographer to capture what at first appears to be inert subject matter–geological formations, deserted highways and other abandoned sites—Stan Denniston’s ‘fixed focus’ movies invoke an uncanny temporal sensibility. Subject movement is minimal and unpredictable, defined as it is by the capriciousness of the natural phenomena pictured, and yet, paradoxically, the long, uncut take makes time seem unnatural and delayed. As such, Denniston’s ‘stills’ give rise to a complex and contradictory temporal experience, positioning the viewer somewhere between the long, eternal movements of natural history and the sense of urgency that attends modern life." -- Publisher's website
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