Immersion : Eplorer l'immersion dans les pratiques contemporaines = Immersive : Exploring the Immersive in Contemporary Art Practice : Carolee Schneemann, Caroline Lathan-Stiefel, Michelle Gay, Demian Petryshyn, Luis Jacob

Major, Susie; Anderson, Randall; Miller, Marcus. Immersion : Eplorer l'immersion dans les pratiques contemporaines = Immersive : Exploring the Immersive in Contemporary Art Practice : Carolee Schneemann, Caroline Lathan-Stiefel, Michelle Gay, Demian Petryshyn, Luis Jacob. Montréal, Qc: Articule, 2006.

On-site consultation
Types: Anthologies, essays, collections
All Contributors: Major, Susie (Author); Anderson, Randall (Author); Miller, Marcus (Author)
Dossier: 330 - ARTICULE (Montréal)
Collation: 64 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 24 cm
ISBN: 292030643X
Language of Publication: English; French
Publishers: Montréal, Qc: Articule
Artists: Schneemann, Carolee; Lathan-Stiefel, Caroline; Gay, Michelle; Petryshyn, Demian; Jacob, Luis
Event Title: Carole Schneeman : Disembodied ; Luis Jacob : Open Your Mouth and Your Mind Will Follow / Demian Petryshyn : The Battle of Kashyyk ; Michelle Gay : Stretchpoem / Caroline Lathan-Stiefel : Whorl
Location: Articule (Montréal, Qc)
Dates: 7 sept. - 23 oct. 2005 ; 5 nov. - 11 dec. 2005 ; 14 jan. - 19 fev. 2006
Copyright Statement: Articule
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2006
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2015 17:45
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