General Idea's Test Pattern : T.V. Dinner Plates from the Miss General Idea Pavillion with Luncheon Mats

Staniszewski, Mary Anne. General Idea's Test Pattern : T.V. Dinner Plates from the Miss General Idea Pavillion with Luncheon Mats. Tokyo, Japan: Wacoal Art Center, 1988.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

Accompanying color bar place mats designed by General Idea, Staniszewski's text describes how the work addresses the institutional contexts that frame art. Includes a statement by the artists and biographical notes.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Staniszewski, Mary Anne (Author); Fujisawa, Tetsuji (Prefacer)
Dossier: 410 - GENERAL IDEA (AA Bronson + Felix Partz + Jorge Zontal)
Location: Réserve des documents retirés des dossiers - Boîte tiroirs 3
Collation: [8] p. + 4 plates : ill. ; 30 x 40 cm
Language of Publication: English; Japanese
Publishers: Tokyo, Japan: Wacoal Art Center
Artists: General Idea (Collective); Bronson, AA; Partz, Felix; Zontal, Jorge
Event Statement: Exhibition coorganized by the Wacoal Art Center (Tokyo) and the Government of Ontario (Ontario House, Tokyo) in conjunction with Art Metropole (Toronto). - Exhibition dates: 14 Oct. - 6 Nov. 1988, Spiral Garden, Wacoal Art Center (Tokyo).
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 1990
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2022 14:10
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