From Receiver to Remote Control : The TV SetTools Geller, Matthew; Spigel, Lynn; Bathrick, Serafina K.; Behar, Andrew; Sackner, Sarah; Meyrowitz, Joshua; Root, Jane; Long, Ehrick V.; Bird, William L.; Lavin, Maud; Bowes, Ed; Brown, Les; Hanhardt, John G.; Yang, Alice H.; Tafler, David; Morse, Margaret. From Receiver to Remote Control : The TV Set. New York, NY: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1990.
Abstract (English)Investigating the impact of the television set through a multi-disciplinary approach, 16 essayists address the "symbiotic relationship of so-called "high" art and "popular" culture". Circa 65 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):