Novostroika : New Structures : Culture in the Soviet Union TodayTools Walker, Martin; Wilson, Andrew; Bulatov, Erik; Kabakov, Ilya; Ivleva, Victoria; Berger, John; Zinik, Zinovy; Williams, Frank; Prigov, Dimitri; Nekrassov, Vsevolod; Eisenberg, Mikhail; Rubinshtein, Lev; Sorokin, Vladimir; Glenny, Michael; Gambrell, Jamey; Solomon, Andrew; Christie, Ian; Latinina, A.n.. Novostroika : New Structures : Culture in the Soviet Union Today. London, England: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1989.
Abstract (English)A collection of artist's statements, interviews and essays on contemporary Soviet culture attest to the radical transformation wrought by Glasnost in the fields of literature, painting, theatre, visual arts and cinema. Includes topics such as émigré culture, the Almanakh Group and the Soviet press. Edit this item (login required):