NatureTools Agamben, Giorgio; Auping, Michael; Bachelard, Gaston; Bateson, Gregory; Bennet, Jane; Bergson, Henri; Caillois, Roger; Connor, Steven; Derrida, Jacques; Flusser, Vilém; Gessert, George; Grau, Oliver; Guattari, Félix; Halley, Peter; Haraway, Donna; Latour, Bruno; Lyotard, Jean-François; McDonough, Tom; Monod, Jacques; Naess, Arne; Nagel, Thomas; Reichle, Ingeborg; Rose, Nikolas; Vernadsky, Vladimir; Kastner, Jeffrey. Nature. London, England: Whitechapel Art Gallery; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.
Abstract (English)"This collection provides a comprehensive overview of the profound issues at stake in contemporary art's investigations of nature" -- p. [4] of cover. Edit this item (login required):