Great Western Salt Works : Essays on the Meaning of Post-Formalist Art

Burnham, Jack. Great Western Salt Works : Essays on the Meaning of Post-Formalist Art. New York, NY: George Braziller, 1974.

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Abstract (English)

"Jack Burnham's 'The Structure of Art' is the latest in a series of complex theoretical books that promise to change the way we teach and think about art - books as radical as modern art itself. They impact upon the definition and criticism of art may in time resemble the impact of quantum physics upon Newton's law of gravitation" -- p. [4] of cover.

Types: Monographs
All Contributors: Burnham, Jack (Author)
Dossier: 100 - THÉORIE / THEORY
Collation: 165 p. : ill. ; 20 x 22 cm
ISBN: 0807607401
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: New York, NY: George Braziller
Artists: Levine, Les; Duchamp, Marcel; Willoughby, Sharp; [et alii]
Copyright Statement: George Braziller

Includes bibliographical references.
Don d'Anne Ramsden.

Deposited by: Intern Stagiaire
Date Deposited: 29 Apr 2016 18:28
Last Modified: 05 May 2016 13:50
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