The Double Entendre of Re-EnactmentTools McMaster, Gerald. The Double Entendre of Re-Enactment. Toronto, Ont.: Vtape, 2007.
Abstract (English)"This year McMaster proposed an intriguing topic for research and investigation: the idea of the historical re-enactment (a la Edward Curtis’ photographs and Robert Flaherty’s films) as re-interpreted by young Native North American media artists. He wanted to look at all of those very vexing (and vexed) pictorial documents produced about Native North Americans in the 19th and 20th century, and – remembering that these were all produced by non-Native writers, photographers and filmmakers – to then consider their cumulative effect on the psyche of the Native North American in the early 21st century. His results are both subversive and liberating: his programme of clips from the original re-enactments and the new films and videos makes for enlightened viewing." -- p. 3.
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