Senimikwaldamw8gan : Mémoire de pierreTools Monnet, Émilie; Avasilichioaei, Oana. Senimikwaldamw8gan : Mémoire de pierre. Montréal, Qc: Oboro, 2022.
Abstract (English)" Stones have existed for millenia; the stones that have seen rivers being born and ancestors walk are still here. With Senimikwaldamw8gan – Mémoire de pierre, Mélanie O’Bomsawin pays homage to her grandfathers by exploring the notion of memory. The memory of those Before and the memory of those After, along with the memory of today. By positioning new technologies as tools for the preservation and transmission of her story, O’Bomsawin faces a dilemma regarding their reliability. " -- Publisher's website.
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