Sir George Williams University Collection of Art

Cooke, Edwy F.; Clarke, Douglass Burns. Sir George Williams University Collection of Art. Montréal, Qc: Sir George Williams University, 1960.

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Abstract (English)

Photographic documentation of the 226 pieces in the Sir George Williams University's collection, briefly introduced by three of the university's officials, consisting of Canadian painting, drawing and sculpture dating from the late '50s, African sculpture and Mexican and Peruvian ceramics.

Types: Catalogues
All Contributors: Cooke, Edwy F. (Author); Clarke, Douglass Burns (Author)
Collation: 240 p. : 227 ill. ; 21 x 21 cm
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Montréal, Qc: Sir George Williams University
Artists: Alleyn, Edmund; Andre, Francoise; Bayefsky, Aba; Beder, Jack; Bellefleur, Leon; Billmeier, Richard; Blazeje, Zbigniew; Bobak, Molly Lamb; Bobak, Bruno; Borenstein, Sam; Boyd, James; Bruneau, Kittie; Burton, Dennis; Caiserman-Roth, Ghitta; Carr, Emily; Cassono, A.j.; Charbonneau, Monique; Cohen, Sheldon; Collier, Allan C.; Colville, Alex; Cooke, Edwy F.; Cosgrove, Stanley; Coughtry, Graham; Dallaire, Jean; Deichmann, Kjeld; Deichmann, Erica; De Niverville, Louis; De Tonnancour, Jacques; Dumouchel, Albert; Esler, John K.; Ewen, Paterson; Eyre, Ivan; Feist, David; Ferron, Marcelle; Fitzgerald, L.l.; Flancer, Ludwig; Forrestal, T.; Fortin, M.a.; Fournier, Paul; Fox, John; Franck, Albert; Fraser, Carol Hoom; Gagnon, Charles; Gaucher, Yves; Gecin, Sindon; Gersovitz, Sarah; Gervais, Lise; Gladstone, Gerald; Glass, Allan; Godwin, Ted; Gordaneer, James; Gorman, Richard; Gould, John; Harris, Peter; Harman, Jack; Haworth, Colin; Hewton, Randolph; Hodgson, Tom; Hogenkamp, Claire; Hughes, E.J.; Humphrey, Jack; Hurtubise, Jacques; Jackson, A.Y.; Jacobi, Otto; Jaque, Louis; Jarvis, Donald; Jasmin, Andre; Jones, Henry W.; Kahane, Anne; Kelly, Judith; Kiyooka, Roy; Kurelek, William; Lacroix, Richard; Landsley, Patrick; Langstadt, Robert; Leathers, Winston; Le Roy, Hugh A.; Letendre, Rita; Lewis, Stanley; Lindner, Ernest; Lismer, Arthur; Little, John; Macleod, Pegi Nicol; Maltais, Marcelle; Martin, T.m.; Masson, Henri; Mcewen, Jean; Mclaren, Norman; Merola, Mario; Milne, David; Molinari, Guido; Mousseau, Jean-Paul; Muhlstock, Louis; Nakamura, Kazuo; Neumann, Ernst; Onley, Tony; Partridge, D.; Pasquin, Suzanne; Pellan, Alfred; Pilot, Robert; Pinsky, Alfred; Plaskett, Joseph; Raphael, William; Reinblatt, Moses; Reppen, Jack; Riopelle, Jean-Paul; Roberts, Goodridge; Roberts, William; Rosenfield, Ethel; Roussil, Robert; Russell, G. Horne; Sager, Peter; Savage, Anne; Savoie, Robert; Schaefer, Carl; Scott, Louise; Shadbolt, Jack; Slipper, Gary; Smith, Gordon; Smith, Gord; Smith, H. Leslie; Smith, John Ivor; Spickett, Ron; Surrey, Philip; Tanabe, Takao; Taylor, Fred; Teitelbaum, Mashel; Tousignant, Claude; Town, Harold; Tremblay, Gerard; Urquhart, Tony; Vaillancourt, Armand; Varley, Frederick; Venor, Robert; Wagschal, Marion; Whillier, Wayne; Wolfe, Robert; Yarwood, Walter
Critics / Curators / Historians: Cooke, Edwy F.
Art Organizations: Exhibition Centres > Canada > Quebec > Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery (Montreal)
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 11 Nov 1988
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:29
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