Eye for I : Video Self-Portraits

Bellour, Raymond; Belz, Gerd; Campus, Peter; Downey, Juan; Hill, Gary; Jonas, Joan; Kuntzel, Thierry; Marton, Pierre; Nyst, Danièle; Nyst, Jacques-Louis; Odenbach, Marcel; Rosenbach, Ulrike. Eye for I : Video Self-Portraits. New York, NY: Independent Curators Incorporated; Montréal, Qc: s.n., 1989.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

Bellour ascribes three values (of truth, of the act and of identity) to video's potential for self-portraiture; the author delineates modes of time, place and imagery, as well as relationships to the body, to television and to the margins in his discussion of the work of the 14 artists in the exhibition. Each tape is briefly documented alongside a statement by the artist.


Bellour assigne trois valeurs (de vérité, d'acte et d'identité) au potentiel de la vidéo comme médium pour l'autoportrait; l'auteur distingue les modalités de temps, de lieu et d'image ainsi que le rapport au corps, à la télévision et à la marge dans son analyse des travaux des 14 artistes de l'exposition. Chaque vidéo est brièvement documentée et accompagnée d'un texte de l'artiste (en anglais seulement).

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Bellour, Raymond (Curator); Bellour, Raymond (Author); Belz, Gerd (Artist); Belz, Gerd (Author); Campus, Peter (Artist); Campus, Peter (Author); Downey, Juan (Artist); Downey, Juan (Author); Hill, Gary (Artist); Hill, Gary (Author); Jonas, Joan (Artist); Jonas, Joan (Author); Kuntzel, Thierry (Artist); Kuntzel, Thierry (Author); Marton, Pierre (Artist); Marton, Pierre (Author); Nyst, Danièle (Artist); Nyst, Danièle (Author); Nyst, Jacques-Louis (Artist); Nyst, Jacques-Louis (Author); Odenbach, Marcel (Artist); Odenbach, Marcel (Author); Rosenbach, Ulrike (Artist); Rosenbach, Ulrike (Author); Hanhardt, John G. (Prefacer)
Collation: 48 p. : 26 ill. ; 28 x 20 cm + cahier de la version française (12 p. ; 27 x 20 cm)
ISBN: 091636514X
Language of Publication: French; English
Publishers: New York, NY: Independent Curators Incorporated; Montréal, Qc: s.n.
Artists: Acconci, Vito; Campus, Peter; Rosenbach, Ulrike; Jonas, Joan; Downey, Juan; Odenbach, Marcel; Viola, Bill; Kuntzel, Thierry; Nyst, Daniele; Nyst, Jacques-Louis; Marton, Pier; Belz, Gerd; Hill, Gary; Godard, Jean-Luc
Critics / Curators / Historians: Bellour, Raymond
Art Organizations: Misc. Organizations > Independent Curators International (New York, NY)
Event Statement: Exposition organisée par Independent Curators Incorporated (New York). -Itinéraire: mars 1990 - nov. 1992, Ball State University Art Gallery (Muncie) ; Galleria Fac-Simile (Milan) ; Centro Video Arte (Ferrara) ; Vancouver Art Gallery ; Stedman Art Gallery (Camden) ; Weatherspoon Art Gallery (Greensboro) ; University Art Museum (Santa Barbara) ; Gallery 1.1.1. (Winnipeg) ; Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal.
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 29 Mar 1993
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:38
URI: http://e-artexte.ca/id/eprint/5008
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