LVA Catalogue : London Video Access, The National Centre for Video and New Media Art

Hall, David; Wyver, John; Flaxton, Terry; High, Kathy; Partridge, Stephen; Elwes, Catherine; Callas, Peter; Biggs, Simon; Guerin, Syn; Unnutzer, Petra; Gillman, Clive; McCluskey, Alan. LVA Catalogue : London Video Access, The National Centre for Video and New Media Art. London, England: London Video Access, 1991.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

Annotated documentation of currently distributed international videotapes completed between 1989 and 1991. In 12 articles, authors discuss London Video Access, the European Venue Project, and the Bonn Videonale, as well as such issues as the objectives of video in Britain, marginality, the exclusivity of the category of "video art," video activism, gender, and the feminist perspective in video history. 6 bibl. ref.

Types: Catalogues
All Contributors: Maziere, Michael (Editor); Maziere, Michael (Prefacer); Hall, David (Author); Wyver, John (Author); Flaxton, Terry (Author); High, Kathy (Author); Partridge, Stephen (Author); Elwes, Catherine (Author); Callas, Peter (Author); Biggs, Simon (Author); Guerin, Syn (Author); Unnutzer, Petra (Author); Gillman, Clive (Author); McCluskey, Alan (Author)
Dossier: 390 - LONDON VIDEO ACCESS (Londres, Grande-Bretagne)
Collation: 136 p. : 153 ill. (2 col.) ; 30 x 21 cm
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: London, England: London Video Access
Artists: Aayamaguchi, Mineo; Adams John; Almy, Max; Anderson, Peter; Andrew, Chris; Bows, Gabrielle; Andrews, Chris Meigh; Arimura, Morifumi; Armstrong, Neil; Atherton, Kevin; Awac, Auto; Ayanaglu, Bryon; Amis, Ric; Baker, Stuart; Ball, Andy; Banger, Michael; Barber, George; Barry, Judith; Batcock, Gregory; Bayer, George; Bayfield, Roy; Beban, Breda; Horvatic, Hrvoje; Beckworth, Guy; Belloir, Dominique; Beux, Edouard; Bickley, David; Lipsey, Matt; Bierman, Hans; Birnbaum, Dara; Bloom, Ronna; Body, Gabor; Bond, Terry; Densham, Karen; Bourne, Ian; Braderman, Joan; Breakwell; Buckner, Barbara; Cage, John; Cahen, Robert; Cameron, Eric; Campbell, Colin; Carr, Ronn; Carrion, Ulysses; Carson, John; Castle, Tom; Choi, Ka; Clancy, John; Clayton, Jay; Conduit, Cecilia; Cordino, Antoine; Cottis, Jane; Cox, Lei; Craig, Kate; Cregeen, Simon; Critchley, Dave; Davidovitch, Jaime; Daville, Greg; Day, Dennis; Dedman, Penny; Heynick, Harry Dedo; Denning, Roland; Denton, Michael; Devyatkin, Dimitri; Dion, Daniel; Poloni, Philippe; Dragan, Nusa; Dragan, Sreco; Duncan, Diane; Dunford, Mike; Duvet Brothers; Dyson, Dominic; Egglestone, Paul; Elwes, Catherine; Evans, Simon; Everett, Denzil; Ewasiuk, Terry; Eylath, Doobie; Bean, Ann; Fargier, Jean-Paul; Finch, David; Finn-Kelcey, Rose; Finklestein, Rachel; Fitzgerald, Kit; Fitzpatrick, Andrew; Flaxton, Terry; Cooper, Tony; Forsham, Louise; Frenkel, Vera; Froese, Dieter; Frake, Keith; Furneaux, Sera; Gallant, Denise; Garcia, David; Wright, Annie; Gardener, Richard; Garrard, Rose; Geerlings, Bram; Geller, Mathew; Gerz, Jochen; Giannaris, Constantine; Gillman, Clive; St John Walker; Goddard, Judith; Goff, John; Goldbacher, Sandra; Flitcroft, Kim; Gordon, Tinka; Gorilla Tapes; Grass, Peter; Greenfield, Amy; Greyson, John; Yanulis, Mary Anne; Schultz, Eric; Greyson, John; Gudlaugsson, Magnus V.; Guerrier, Philippe; Gusella, Ernest; Hada, Akiko; Jattol; Hall, David; Hanlon, Terri; Friedman, Fern; Chatham, R.; Harding, Noel; Harding, Sven; Harris, Jane; Hartney, Mick; Harvey, Peter; Interference; Hatoum, Mona; Hawley, Steve; Steyger, Tony; Hegarty, Frances; Henges, Ian; Heske, Marianne; Hickmore, Tom; Hill, Gary; Hiller, Susan; Hinson, Travor; Hodson, Claire; Hoey, Brian; Hollander, Gad; Honig, Evelyn; Hoover, Nan; Hooykaas, Madelon; Standfield, Elsa; Houghton, Nik; Howley, Robert; Hulley, Verne; Hurley, Viviane; Ingham, Karen; Ivekovic, Sanja; Jones, Mark; Jones, Mike; Ellard, Graham; Jones, Roy; Jurgensen, Solveig; Judge, Tony; Kahlen, Wolf; Karoto, Yoshi; Keane, Tina; Kevin; Kippin, John; Klein, Cindy; Klein, Michael; Klinkowstein, Tom; Krikorian, Tamara; Kukowski, Stephen; Czarnowski, Adam; Kuhn; Kushner, Robert; Lahire, Sandra; Lamb, Michael; Lande, Allan; Layzell, Richard; Lawrie, Bob; Ledward, Elizabeth K.; Keetley, D.; Legget, Mike; Le Testu, J.J.; Lisle, Thomas; Littman, Steve; Lobstein, Pierre; Lozano, Jorge; Lucas, Mark; Mackay, Susan; Markiewicz, Lily; Marshall, Stuart; Marshalore; Martin, Chris; Martinis, Dalibor; Martinovic, Dimitri; Mccarthy, Patrick; Mcdowell, Mike; Mcyntyre, Mandi; Meigh, Alex; Mellor, Paul; Memory Of Your Nose; Merriam, Sarah; Metcalfe, Eric; Bull, Hank; Meynell, Kate; Mike And Mark Productions; Millar, Brian; Millet, Joanna; Milne, Anne; Montanez, Rafael; Moonshine Video; Mor, Yigal; Mor, Yoram; Morgan, James; Mori, Marcelline; Mori, Veronique; Mowbray, Edward; Nichols, Ian; Nine Attrition Magnetic; Nursey, Geoffrey; Oroentlicher; Sherman; Parker, Jayne; Partridge, Steve; Percy, Nicola; Phillips, Paulette; Shea, Geoffrey; Power, Liz; Prophet, Jane; Rankin, Scott; Read, Barry; Redman, Zoe; Reeves, Daniel; Ligorando, Nora; Reese, Marshall; Richardson, Clive; Robb, Bruce; Robertshaw, Simon; Robertson, Clive; Rodowich, David; Roulades, Jean; Rowlands, Brian; Rowlands, Christopher; Rubnitz, Tom; Magnusson, Anne; Rushton, Chris; Unsworth, Gary; St James, Marty; Wilson, Anne; Salisbury, Dana; Sambin, Michel; Sanborn, John; Perillo; Sankofa; Sargent, John; Sasaki, Tomiyo; Savage, Peter; Scarlett Davis, John; Scerek, Janus; Schouten, Lydia; Kurpershoek; Sluik; Schwartz, Frances; Scott, Colin; Scott, Jill; Seaman, Bill; Middleton, Hugo; Sear, Helen; Servass; Seth, John; Shabtay, Michael; Shamash, Jessica; Shaw, Atalia; O'shea, Philip; Shields, Rikki; Shutter, Bert; Sillar, Vivienne; Simone, Roberto; Smith, Pamela; Spice, Richard; Steele, Lisa; Tomczak, Kim; Stein, Ellin; Newman, B.; Steyger, Tony; Hackney, John; Stone, Caroline; Stubbs, Mike; Tanza, Steven; Tarlo, Relly; Tenbrink, Joram; Toebosh, Moniek; Triple Vision; Truffaut, Philippe; Twin Art; Underwood, Sue; Unwin, Ivan; Urch, Marion; Vasulka, Steina; Vasulka, Woody; Verabioff, Mark; Vida; Viola, Bill; Viola, Luigi; Vulture Video; Warwick, Margaret; Weintraub, Ami; Welsh, Jeremy; Wennberg, Teresa; Werden, Rodney; Whitford, Steve; Wiegand, Robert; Wicks, Arthur; Wilcox, Mark; Witko, Judith; Women In Manuel Trades; Wright, Jane; Yael, B.H.; Yarbrow, Teri; Young, Graham
Art Organizations: Misc. Organizations > London Video Access (Londres, Grande-Bretagne)
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Date Deposited: 27 Jan 1994
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2012 19:58
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