TV GenerationsTools Baldessari, John; Yonemoto, Bruce; D'Agostina, Peter; Hanhardt, John G.; Koertge, Ron; De Cointet, Guy; Smith, Edward Young; Segalove, Ilene; Gerstler, Amy; Weissman, Benjamin; Elmslie, Kenward; Davis, Lydia; Dlugos, Tim; Barthelme, Frederick; Cumming, Robert; Skelley, Jack; Equi, Elaine. TV Generations. Los Angeles, CA: LACE/Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1986.
Abstract (English)This exhibition catalogue takes as its theme the question of the influence of popular television on and in contemporary art; includes four essays, 15 artists, and 34 creative writers. Biographical notes. 11 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):