Shirley WiitasaloTools Monk, Philip. Shirley Wiitasalo. Toronto, Ont.: Art Gallery of Ontario/Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, 1987.
Abstract (English)Monk examines the emblematic painting "Black and White", and introduces the various themes that characterize Wiitasalo's work of the 1980's; the questioning of traditional notions of representation, and the ambiguity and distortions of images and frame. The landscape motif of the 1986-87 paintings replaces the media-directed imagery of earlier works in gouache and oil, but continues the play between inside and outside, real and reflected image. References are made to Derrida's "Dissemination". Includes the reprinted essay "The Frame Between: Works of 1981-1982", by the same author. Biographical notes. 19 bibl. ref.
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