Glenn Lewis : Utopiary, Metaphorest & Bewilderness : Works from 1967-1993Tools Henry, Karen A.; MacNeil, Brice; Lippard, Lucy R.; Lewis, Glenn. Glenn Lewis : Utopiary, Metaphorest & Bewilderness : Works from 1967-1993. Burnaby, BC: Burnaby Art Gallery, 1993.
Abstract (English)Highlighting Lewis' contributions in the late 1960s and 1970s to experimental art (including language interventions and performance), Henry surveys the multifaceted career of this West Coast artist. Lippard examines the shifts in "environmental" art over the past 25 years, contextualizing the artist's work concerned with the land and nature. A chronology prepared by MacNeil includes quotes on, and excerpts of texts by Lewis. 69 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):