Between Spring and Summer : Soviet Conceptual Art in the Era of Late CommunismTools Ross, David A.; Lourie, Richard; Tupitsyn, Margarita; Kabakov, Ilya; Sussman, Elisabeth; Bakshtein, Joseph; Tupitsyn, Victor; Wollen, Peter; Rappaport, Alexander; Ryklin, Mikhail; Prigov, Dmitri. Between Spring and Summer : Soviet Conceptual Art in the Era of Late Communism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; Tacoma, WA: s.n.; Boston, MA: s.n., 1990.
Abstract (English)This detailed, extensive catalogue is based on a touring exhibition of Soviet underground conceptual art by 31 artists. Eleven essays by American and Russian critics, curators, and artists cover many important aspects (e.g. particular histories, discussion of types of form, major figures). Biographical notes. 85 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):