This list was generated on Thu Nov 21 14:26:48 2024 UTC.

Browse by Contributors

Number of items: 3.

Wyatt, Wanda L.; Arsenault, Adrien; Arvidson, Ronald E.; Basiletti, Mari Christina; Bell, Paul; Bentley, Charles; Birt, Gerald M.; Birt, Hazel; Buell, Earla; Callbeck, Bertha; Cameron, Marlene; Clement, Stephen W.J.; Collins, Brian; D'Amour, Therese; Desborough, Ardis; Doucette, Karl G.; Ells, Gerald B.; Fichaud, Gwen; Gallant, Helene; Gallant, Mel; Gaudet, Colleen; Gibson, Dorothy; Gillespie, Yvonne; Hardie, Banning; Hardie, Pearl M.; Harwood, Jocelyn A.; Harrison, Elaine; Hoof, Sally Blake; Hornby, Jean; Huestis, Lowell E.; Irving, Daphne; Ives, Eileen; James-Phillis, Debra; Jeeves, Barry R.; Kennedy, Hannelore; Keoughan, Mary T.; Kinder, Ben; Lachance, Em; Landry, Michael H.; MacDonald, Andrew; MacDougall, Isabel; MacInnis, Stephen; MacKenzie, Margaret; Matheson, Jim Murdock; Millar, Bev; Mills, Joel; Morrissey, Mae; Patenaude, Michel R.; Phillis, Carl; Purdy, Henry; Putnam, Elspeth; Quesnel, Ron; Ramsay, Phyllis; Reagh, Jane E.; Samuelson, Jodee; Stanfield, Maxine; Stanley, Malcolm A.; Starkey, Terence; Stewart, Joanne G.; Stewart, Russell; Taylor, Ferne; Trainor, Jean Margaret; Vickerson, Richard; Wonnacott, Brad; Worling, Robert V.; Willis-Kromer, Elizabeth C.; Edwards, Laurie. Island Visual Artists '86 : An Exhibition Representing the Work of Island Visual Artists. Charlottetown, PEi: Holland College School of Visual Arts Gallery, 1986.
Williamson, Moncrieff; Aho, Vivian; Arvidson, Ronald; Basiletti, Mari; Bourque, Claire; Burden, John P.; Burke, Brian; Callbeck, Bertha; Cantelo, Marilyn; Carruthers, Sandy; Chodorow, Susan Quan; Coffin, Trudi J.; Cran, Emily Elizabeth; Cudmore, Catherine L.; Desborough, Ardis; Durant, Emily Charlotte; Durant, Peter; Ells, Gerald; Fichaud, Gwen; Gallant, Helen; Harrison, Elaine; Harwood, Jocelyn; Henry, Jean; Horton, Pene; Horton, Robert; Huestis, Doreen; Huestis, Lowell E.; Irving, Daphne; Ives, Eileen; Kinder, Benjamin; Landry, Michael H.; Lee, Ann Dow; MacDougall, Isabel; MacKeeman, Karl; Maryniak, Maria; Matheson, Jim; McClean, James; Mills, Joel; Morrissey, Mae; Muzika, Margaret; Phillis, Christopher; Place, Ann Beverly; Purdy, Henry; Putnam, Elspeth; Robinson, Edith; Roe, Elizabeth; Roe, Nigel; Samuelson, Jodee; Savidant, Diana; Scantlebury, Joanne; Scott, Ian; Smith, Mary; Stanfield, Maxine; Stanley, Malcolm; Szirtes, Michael; Thompson, Joan; White, Ann Blair; Williams, Wally; Wright, Tim. Island Visual Artists '84 : An Exhibition Representing the Work of Island Visual Artists. Charlottetown, PEi: Holland College School of Visual Arts Gallery, 1984.
Arsenault, Adrien; Aho, Vivian; Arvidson, Ronald E.; Baker, James Hand; Basiletti, Mari; Bentley, Charles; Bentley, Eileen; Bourque, Claire; Bugden, Barry H.; Burke, Brian D.; Chodorow, Neil; Coffin, Trudi J.; Court, Isabel MacCallum; Desborough, Ardis; Dewar, Katherine; Dewey, Sandy; Durant, Emily Charlotte; Ells, Gerald; Emery, Vian; Fichaud, Gwen; Frith, Wendy; Gallant, Helen; Gibson, Dorothy; Glover, Carmen Douglas; Harrisson, Elaine; Henry, John; Horton, Robert F.; Irving, Daphne; Ives, Eileen; Jeeves, Barry; Johnston, Gordon; Laxer, Anca; Lee, Ann Dow; Lee, Herbert; Maryniak, Maria; Maund, Winston P.; Millar, Beverlay; Muise, C. Joseph; Muzika, Margaret; MacArthur, Danny; MacDougall, Isabel; McLean, James; McGrattan, Rod; McKnight, Gail F.; Palmer, Maryanne; Phillis, Christopher; Purdy, Henry; Putnam, Elspeth; Ramsay, Phyllis; Redmond, Andrea; Rice, Kevin; Roe, Nigel; Samuelson, Jodee; Savidant, Diana; Scantlebury, Joanne; Scott, Ian; Smith, Mary; Stanfield, Maxine; Stanley, Malcolm; Stevenson, Wendell; Taylor, Ferne; Thompson, Joan; Trowell, Ian; Tuck, Robert; Vokey, Michael; West, Miriam; Worling, Robert V.. Island Visual Artists'82 : An Exhibition Representing the Work of Island Visual Artists. Charlottetown, PEI: Holland College School of Visual Arts Gallery, 1982.