This list was generated on Fri Sep 27 15:04:12 2024 UTC.

Browse by Contributors

Number of items: 1.

Myers, Terry R.; Birnbauam, Daniel; Bryson, Norman; Crimp, Douglas; Deleuze, Gilles; Egenhofer, Sebastian; Foster, Hal; Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy; Graw, Isabelle; Groos, Ulrike; Halle, Howard; Joselit, David; Kaneda, Shirley; Kantor, Jordan; Kapur, Geeta; Kelsey, John; Key, Joan; Lawson, Thomas; Lethem, Jonathan; Matsui, Midori; Relyea, Lane; Ricard, Rene; Rubenstein, Meyer Raphael; Saltz, Jerry; Schor, Mira; Schwabsky, Barry; Searle, Adrian; Tagg, John; Tinari, Philip and Art & Language; et alii. Painting. London, England: Whitechapel Art Gallery; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011.