Suggestive Poses : Artists and Critics Respond to CensorshipTools Johnson, Lorraine; Tam, Ho; Metcalfe, Robin; Adams, Mary Louise; Buchanan, Hamish; Ditta, Su; Cossman, Brenda; Waugh, Thomas; Adelman, Shonagh; Carol, Elaine; Fung, Richard; Paterson, Andrew James; Marriott, John; McCormack, Thelma and Kiss & Tell. Suggestive Poses : Artists and Critics Respond to Censorship. Toronto, Ont.: Toronto Photographers Workshop; s.l.: The Riverbank Press, 1997.
Abstract (English)An anthology of essays by 12 authors - artists and critics - in response to various facets of censorhip in the arts, including the issue of pornography at large. J. Greyson's preface introduces Eveto, a fictional character personifying censorship, then discusses the Ontario Censor Board and the Six Days of Resistance which took place in April 1984 in the Toronto area, to finally expose the merits of civil disobedience. Johnson's introduction refers to the genesis of the book project and retraces some of the battles over censorship and the visual arts in Canada. Includes compilations of short texts, facts and statistics grouped under themes such as "Children and Sex", "Homophobia", "Empowerment", etc. Artist's pages by H. Tam, Kiss & Tell, S. Adelman. 135 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):