Browse by ContributorsNumber of items: 13.
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Elliott, Tom; Dumontier, Michael; Birse, Ian; Bowyer, Judy; Bristol, Joanne; Brown, Gail; Bull, Hank; Campbell, Michael Drew; Campbell, Raylene; Carol, Elaine; Butler, Marian; Somerset, Angela; George, Brenna; Chafe, Susan; Dempsey, Shawna; Millan, Lorri; Dzama, Marcel; Farber, Neil; Fernandes, Michael; Gregory, Ken; Beißer, Sabine; Langlois, Drue; Lincoln, Erika; Martin, Todd; McKeough, Rita; O'Keefe, Jennie; Robert, Jocelyn; Williams, Adrian Shalom; Yearwood, Kathleen and Cause and Effect.
A Relatively Small Collection : Exhibition and Lending Library of Audio Cassette Work Presented at Ace Art Inc.
Winnipeg, Man.: Ace Art, 1999.
DOSSIER: 354 - ACE ART GALLERY (Winnipeg) |
Elliott, Tom; Dumontier, Michael; Birse, Ian; Bowyer, Judy; Bristol, Joanne; Brown, Gail; Bull, Hank; Campbell, Michael Drew; Campbell, Raylene; Carol, Elaine; Butler, Marian; Somerset, Angela; George, Brenna; Chafe, Susan; Dempsey, Shawna; Millan, Lorri; Dzama, Marcel; Farber, Neil; Fernandes, Michael; Gregory, Ken; Jackson, Kip; Beisser, Sabine; Langlois, Drue; Lincoln, Erika; Martin, Todd; McKeough, Rita; O'Keefe, Jennie; Robert, Jocelyn; Williams, Adrian Shalom; Yearwood, Kathleen and Cause and Effect.
A Relatively Small Collection.
Other (or unspecified), 1999.
DOSSIER: 354 - ACE ART GALLERY (Winnipeg) |
Kealey, Susan; Smith-Coutts, Kenneth; Loeffler, Carl; Guest, Tim; Roach, Charles; Barber, Bruce; Beveridge, Karl; Steele, Lisa; Sherman, Tom; Richmond, Norman Otis; Greyson, John; Robertson, Clive; Rubess, Banuta; Burstyn, Varda; Cardinal-Schubert, Joane; Bociukiw, Marusya; Shinhat, Molly Amoli K.; Okano, Haruko; Fabo, Andy; Barclay, Clare; Carol, Elaine; Wong, Lloyd; Fung, Richard; McIntosh, David; Srivastava, Vinita; McFarlane, Scott; Tuer, Dot; Kibbins, Gary; Nelson, Joyce; Philip, M. Nourbese. Fuse 20: 2. Spring. (1997). | |
Johnson, Lorraine; Tam, Ho; Metcalfe, Robin; Adams, Mary Louise; Buchanan, Hamish; Ditta, Su; Cossman, Brenda; Waugh, Thomas; Adelman, Shonagh; Carol, Elaine; Fung, Richard; Paterson, Andrew James; Marriott, John; McCormack, Thelma and Kiss & Tell.
Suggestive Poses : Artists and Critics Respond to Censorship.
Toronto, Ont.: Toronto Photographers Workshop; s.l.: The Riverbank Press, 1997.
Tisch, Karen; Blades, Joe; Carol, Elaine; Genosko, Gary; Wodskou, Chris; Lee, Robert W.G.; Stevens, Caroline; Singh, Indu; Reinke, Steve; Spires, Randi; Tulchinsky, Karen X.; Ford-Smith, Honor. Fuse 19: 1. Fall. (1995). | |
Carol, Elaine.
"Gossip" Performed Live.
[Toronto, Ont.?]: Elaine Carol, 1995.
Tisch, Karen; Carol, Elaine; Grubisic, Brett; Young, Bryan; Dawes, Kwame; McIntosh, David; Tuer, Dot; Derksen, Jeff; Wanyeki, Lynne; Wong, Lloyd; Li, Xiaoping; Ingram, Gordon Brent; Rudder, Jennifer; Marks, Laura U.; Bronson, A.a.. Fuse 17: 3. Spring. (1994). | |
Tisch, Karen; Mulin, Charlene; Maart, Rozena; Tanna, Shruti; Ibáñez-Carrasco, José Francisco; Czegledy, Nina; Sacchetti, Clara; Dufresne, Todd; Robertson, Clive; Decter, Ann; Eamon, Christopher; Carol, Elaine; Cehan, Brent; Miller, Earl; Andreae, Janice. Fuse 17: 4. May/June. (1994). | |
Carol, Elaine.
The Little Black Dress.
[Toronto, Ont.]: Elaine Carol, 1994.
Carol, Elaine.
"Gossip" : Audio Selections from the Performance by Elaine Carol.
s.l.: s.n., 1993.
Carol, Elaine.
"Zaida" from "Gossip : A Reading of a Work-In-Process.
s.l.: Elaine Carol, 1993.
Lusty, Terry; Wong, Lloyd; Robertson, Clive; Beaulieu, Carole; Godfrey, Lisa; Creede, Catherine; Eamon, Christopher; Barclay, Claire; Carol, Elaine; Syms, Shawn; Bryden, Diana; Penna, Paul Della; Fung, Richard; Reid, Robert; Haar, Sandra; Garneau, David. Fuse 16: 2. (1992). | |
Folland, Tom; Tuer, Dot; Sullivan, Joan; Robertson, Clive; Morton, Gillian; Rogers, Mark; Green, Jeff; Celotto, Lisa; Amis, Ric; Mars, Tanya; Campbell, Colin; Conde, Carole; Carol, Elaine; Steele, Lisa; Marsden, Scott; Thomas, Katie; Beveridge, Karl; Gee, Bryan; Tomczak, Kim; Cotter, Brendan; Adelman, Shonagh; Kibbins, Gary; Bailey, Cameron; Crean, Susan; Jeffries, Pat; Giii, Ron; Breo, Hazel A. Da; Cooly, Glenn; Jackson, Marva; Popovich, Gary; Kellhammer, Oliver. Fuse 12: 3. November/December. (1988). |