Interior Presence : Projection Situations : Marcella Bienvenue, Geneviève Cadieux, Wyn Geleynse, Jan Peacock, Grant Poier, Tom ShermanTools McAlear, Donna; Milthorp, Robert; Bienvenue, Marcella; Peacock, Jan; Poier, Grant. Interior Presence : Projection Situations : Marcella Bienvenue, Geneviève Cadieux, Wyn Geleynse, Jan Peacock, Grant Poier, Tom Sherman. Calgary, Alta: The Nickle Arts Museum, 1990.
Abstract (English)Presenting video and media installations by six Canadian artists, the authors discuss communications, technology, the relation of media representation and event, and identity. Includes texts on each artist's work, an interview with Geleynse and Sherman, as well as artist's statements. 16 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):