The Shell Canada Collection : A Selection of Canadian Art Assembled by the Employees of Shell Canada Limited
Shammas, Basil.
The Shell Canada Collection : A Selection of Canadian Art Assembled by the Employees of Shell Canada Limited.
s.l.: [Shell Canada Limited], 1977.
On-site consultation |
Abstract (English)
Goephysicist Shammas briefly discusses a selection of paintings from the Shell Canada Collection, validating the stylistic diversity of the collection by contextualizing the work within a summary of some important developments and figures in 20th century art. Includes biographical notes on 248 artists.
Types: |
Catalogues |
All Contributors: |
Shammas, Basil (Author); MacLeod, J.M. (Prefacer); Lamb, D.G. (Prefacer) |
Dossier: |
Collation: |
76 p. : 40 ill. (20 col.) ; 21 x 26 cm |
Language of Publication: |
English |
Publishers: |
s.l.: [Shell Canada Limited] |
Artists: |
Acs, Joseph Ferenec; Adamie; Allison, Tony; Allsopp, Judith; Anderson, Aksel H.; Angliss, Kay; Arlook, George; Armstrong, Geoffrey; Arnold, Gregory H.; Askren, Patricia; Axanqu; Bakes, Alan; Ballachey, Barbara; Barry, Anne Meredith; Barry, Douglas D.; Bartram, Ed; Bates, Maxwell; Beardy, Jackson; Bellefleur, Leon; Besant, Derek Michael; Bieler, Andre Charles; BIG BULL, WILLIAM Jr.; Binning, Bertram C.; Blackwood, David; Blodgett, Stanford E.; Bloore, Ronald; Bolt, Ronald; Bouchard, Lorne H.; Brabant, Gene; Breeze, Claude; Bres, Hendrik; Brett, Leonard; Briansky, Rita; Brown, Harley; Caiserman-Roth, Ghitta; Campbell, Leyda; Camping, Simon H.; Cattell, Ray; Chatfield, Thomas; Christensen, Shirley M.; Christopher, Ken; Coburn-Donnelly, Kay; Collier, Alan C.; Cosgrove, Stanley; Cowley, Reta; Crockett, David; Cryer, Bruce; Danby, Kenneth; Devlin, Joyce; Diner, Janis; Duma, William; Dyer, Marilyn; Eecuesk; Eloul, Kosso; Enns, Maureen; Esler, John K.; Etrog, Sorel; Evoy, Arthur; Ewart, Peter; Eyre, Ivan; Fafard, Joe; Felsberg, Gisela; FERRIER, C.R. (Dick); Fisher, Brian; Fitzgerald, Lionel Lemoine; Flodberg, Gilbert Allan; Foo Fat, Dulcie; Ford, Susan; Francis, Tim; Freeman, Richard A.; Funnekotter, Jan; Gallie, Tommie; Game, Robert; Geller, Manly; Gely, Gabriel; Genest, Remie; Genn, Robert; Gibbs, Len; Glyde, Henry George; Godwin, Phyllis; Godwin, Ted; Gomez, Ricardo; Graff, Leslie F.; Graham, Kathleen M.; Grandmaison, O.n.; Grindley, Heather; Gross, Richard; Guinan, Tom; Haddock, Francis; Haeseker, Alexandra; Haisoch, Hubert; Hambleton, Jack; Haworth, Peter; Haynes, Douglas; Hayward, Chris; Heath, Mel; Heim, Guenter; Heine, Harry; Herold, Hans; Herreilers, John; Hicklin, Barbara Roe; Horsfall, Arthur; Horvath, George A.; Howarth, Glenn; Hughes, Edward John; HUNT, HENRY Sr,; Hunt, Katherine; Hurtubise, Jacques; Hushlak, Gerald; Janvier, Alex; Jaque, Louie; Johnson, Brain; Josin, Patti; Joziasse, Ann; Kabybakota; Kagaik; Kakee, Joseph; Karpik, Soloman; Kasyn, John; Kaufman, William; Keeleemeomee; Kerr, Illingworth; Kiyooka, Harry; Kiyooka, Roy; Knowles, Dorothy; Kocevar, Frank J.; Kost, Robert; Kottman, Donald D.; Kueber, Eleanor; Kurelek, William; Laing, William; Laing, Shayna; Landsdowne, J. Fenwick; Laycock, Brent; Leadbeater, Roy; Leathers, Winston; Leighton, A.c.; Leighton, Barbara; Letendre, Rita; Levesque, Leon; Lindstrom, Matt; Little, Carol; Little, John; Litzgus, Hazel; Lloyd, Pat A.; Lobchuk, William; Lochhead, Kenneth; Lucassie; Macdonald, Myles; Mackie, Helen; Macpherson, Robert L.; Manarey, Thelma; Mamnguqsuluk, Tulurialik; Manning, Jo; Marois, Laureat; Masson, Henri; Mccall, Ann; Mccarroll, Bill J.; Mccarthy, Doris; Mcclelland, Jeannette E.; Mccullagh, Lavoin; Mckay, Arthur; Meadows, Robert A.; Merkur, Sharon; Michener, Robert; Middleton, Janet; Mihalcheon, Jean Lapointe; Mikkika; Milligan, Margaret; Mitchell, Janet; Morton, Douglas; Motter, Douglas; Myren, Ronald L.; Nawlirkuik; Nestel, Jeannette; Nicol, Almira; Nicoll, James Mclaren; Nicoll, Marion; Noris, Marianne; O'neil, Bruce; Ohe, Katie; Olson, Gary G.; Onley, Toni; Oonark, Ukpatiku; Ouchi, Eugene; Palmer, Frank; Parker, Harley; Parker, William; Pauloosie; Pauta; Perehudoff, William; Petit, Gaston; Plaskett, Joe; Platt, Les; Pokrant, Luther; Poole, Leslie; Pratt, Christopher; Prins, Nick; Proch, Don; Rawlyk, Mary E.; Reichert, Don; Riopelle, Jean-Paul; Roberts, David; Roberts, Goodridge; Roberts, William G.; Robinson, Clifford F.; Rockett, Adeline; Rogers, Otto; Rungius, Carl M.; Sakkiasse; Sakowski, Robert C.; Samila, David; Samuelson, Kenneth C.; Sanders, Benita; Sapp, Allan; Savage, Harry; Schaefer, Carl; Schroer, Helmut; Shadbolt, Jack; Shelton, Margaret; Shives, Arnold; Shykora, Paul; Sinclair, Robert; Smith, Donald A.; Smith, Gordon; Smith, Jeremy; Smith, Levi; Smith, Tom; Snow, John; Spickett, Ronald; Stevenson, W.l.; Stewart, Merle; Swartzman, Roslyn; Tagtu; Tailfeathers, Gerald; Tanabe, Takao; Tascona, Tony; Taylor, Ron; Tenenbaum, Gena; Thompson, Carole; Thompson, Keith; Thrasher, Mona; Tinyan; Tousignant, Claude; Tousignant, Serge; Town, Harold; Tuomi, Brent; Turner, John D.; Umholtz, D.c.; Van Lune, Ray; Voisey, Gordon; Voyer, Sylvain; Walker, Shirley; Wallace, Ken; Warkov, Esther; Washburn, Lawrence; Wertheimer, Esther; Wicherts, Audie; Williams, Colin; Wilson, York; Wise, Jack; Wylie, Alan; Yates, Norman; Zeigler-Sungur, Barbara |
Art Organizations: |
Misc. Organizations > Collection Shell Canada |
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Date Deposited: |
25 May 1993 |
Last Modified: |
25 Oct 2012 13:38 |
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