Outside New York : Katharine T. Carter, Tom Hatch, James R. Hill, Alexa Kleinbard, Janis Provisor, Dan RizzieTools Thomas, Kathleen; Schwartzman, Allan; Logan, Susan; McDonald, Robert; Linhares, Phil; Murdock, Robert M.; Carter, Katharine T.; Hatch, Tom; Hill, James R.; Kleinbard, Alexa; Provisor, Janis; Rizzie, Dan. Outside New York : Katharine T. Carter, Tom Hatch, James R. Hill, Alexa Kleinbard, Janis Provisor, Dan Rizzie. New York, NY: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1978.
Abstract (English)This exhibition catalogue on six American artists includes an essay on each by as many writers. Biographical notes. Edit this item (login required): |